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Bill Spalding

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Bill Spalding was born in Partick in 1926, where he lived for over twenty years before qualifying as a dental surgeon. After two years of national service, he had a practice in Kelvinhaugh. When he retired in 1987 he started extensive researches into the local history of Partick.

Bill Spalding has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

Early times to 1560 - Neighbourhoods: Partick
Until annexed in 1912 to become a district of the City of Glasgow, Partick was a village (later an i...
1560 to 1770s - Neighbourhoods: Partick
The village of Partick lay north of the River Clyde, west of the River Kelvin and south of the Highw...
1830s to 1914 - Neighbourhoods: Partick
With the establishment in the 1840s of Tod & MacGregor's Meadowside Shipyard at the mouth of the...

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