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Lion and Unicorn Staircase
Lion and Unicorn Staircase

Scottish Musical Review 1896
Scottish Musical Review 1896

Prince's Dock

Glasgow City Archives, Clyde Navigation Trust

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Prince's Dock

A view of Prince's Dock looking east from the roof of Govan Town Hall, early 1900s.

The 130-ton steam crane on the left was erected in 1895 and used to fit engines and boilers in newly-built ships. North British Railway Co wagons are lined up in front of the single-storey cargo shed in the foreground. The dock's central and south basins are clearly visible in the background, their quays lined with two-storey cargo sheds.

The mineral quay is on the far right, with the hydraulic coaling hoist that was installed in 1903 to raise loaded coal wagons into the air and tip their contents directly into a ship's hold or bunker.

Reference: T-CN 19-123

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

basins, cargo sheds, docks, fitting-out basins, Glasgow Harbour, hydraulic coaling hoists, North British Railway Co, Prince's Dock, railway wagons, ships, steam cranes

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