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Ross Hall

Strathclyde University Archives

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Ross Hall

Ross Hall, photographed c 1970 when being used as the Scottish Hotel School. The Victorian mansion was originally built for shipbuilding magnate Sir Frederick Lobnitz.

Founded in 1944 as part of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, the Scottish Hotel School was based at Ross Hall from 1948 to 1981. In 1963 the School was absorbed by the University of Strathclyde and tourism was added to hotel and hospitality management as a study option. A move to new purpose-built premises on the main campus took place in 1982, thus integrating the department more fully into the Strathclyde Business School.

In 1983 Ross Hall opened as Scotland's biggest private hospital. The provision of private medical services as an alternative to the NHS was a controversial development, attracting protests and demonstrations. But at the end of its first year, chairman Sir William Gray was able to claim success with 2,000 operations and 4,000 outpatient visits. In 2004 Ross Hall continues to thrive as an independent hospital, under the management of BMI Healthcare.

Reference: P2/10/3

Reproduced with the permission of Strathclyde University Archives

BMI Healthcare, Glasgow and West of Scotland Commercial College, health services, hospitality management, hotel management, mansions, National Health Service, NHS, private hospitals, Ross Hall, Scottish Hotel School, shipbuilders, Strathclyde Business School, tourism, University of Strathclyde

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