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Cathcart Mill

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Cathcart Mill

Cathcart Mill and the Old Bridge (also known as Snuff Mill Bridge)over the White Cart Water, c 1830. A woman is laying laundry out to bleach on the grass on the bank on the right.

The date of the bridge's construction is uncertain but it was probably erected in the 18th century using masonry from an earlier one. A few yards south of the bridge stood a corn and wheat mill and next to it stood Millholm Mill. Originally built as a paper mill, Millholm was converted into a snuff mill at the height of the tobacco trade. When the tobacco boom years were over Millholm reverted to its former use and by 1835 was once more a paper mill.

The watercolour, painted by an unknown artist working for the Maxwell family, is one of a series showing scenes from Pollok Estate at this time.

Reproduced with the permission of the National Trust for Scotland

bleachfields, bridges, Cathcart Bridge, Cathcart Mill, landscapes, laundry, Millholm Paper Mill, mills, Old Bridge, paintings, paper mills, River Cart, rivers, Snuff Mill Bridge, snuff mills, swans, thatched cottages, tobacco trade, watercolours, White Cart Water, women

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