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Roman Distance Slab

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Archaeology Collection

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Roman Distance Slab

A Roman distance slab uncovered at Summerston. The sandstone slab probably dates from 142-143 AD.

The inscription reads: Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) T(ito) / Aelio Hadri(ano) / Antonino Aug(usto) / Pio p(atri) p(atriae) vexilla(tio) / leg(ionis) VI Vic(tricis) P(iae) F(idelis) / per m(ilia) p(assuum) IIIDCLxvis and commemorates the building of a section of the Antonine Wall by the Sixth Legion (the Sixth Victrix). The section in question was 3,666 and a half paces long and stretched from Summerston to Castlehill in Bearsden.

Work started on the Antonine Wall around 142 AD, during the rule of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius (86-161 AD). It was 37 miles long, running from Bo'ness in the east of Scotland to Old Kilpatrick in the west, and marked the northern border of the Roman Empire.

Reference: A.1942.18

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

Antonine Wall, archaeology, distance slabs, inscriptions, Latin, Roman army, Roman emperors, Roman Empire, Roman Legions, Romans, sculpture, Sixth Legion

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