Photograph taken from city centre looking north to Cowcaddens, c 1950s.
Cambridge Street is in the foreground, and its junction with Hill Street is bottom left. Phoenix Park is visible through the smog in the middle distance, with Buchanan's Confectionery Works and its distinctive chimney stalk (demolished in 1967) to the right.
Cowcaddens was comprehensively redeveloped during the 1960s and many of the old tenements and factories vanished.
Reference: 360.77.924
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
atmospheric pollution, Buchanan's Confectionery Works, CDAs, chimney stalks, chimneys, Comprehensive Development Areas, confectioners, confectionery, John Buchanan & Bros, panoramas, parks, Phoenix Park, smog, sweets, tenements, urban redevelopment
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