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Scottish Cup Final, 1955
Scottish Cup Final, 1955

Claythorn House

People's Palace, Social History File

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Claythorn House

Claythorn House, Calton, 1905. This two-storey mansion was built in the mid-18th century on the site of an earlier house. It stood originally in a small triangular-shaped park but both house and park are long gone.

The house was occupied by the Lukes of Glasgow and Greenfield who acquired the Claythorn lands some time before 1589 and lived there for almost 200 years. They were primarily gold and silver smiths, although they also had interests in businesses such as brewing, iron-working and sugar refining. A Robert Luke, goldsmith, owned a brewery in the Gallowgate during the 1730s.

An armorial stone was built into the front wall of the house, presumably rescued from the earlier building. It was dated 1720 and decorated with the Glasgow coat of arms and the motto "Let Glasgow Flourish". The word Spiritus was engraved on the outer edge of the stone.

Reference: TEMP.2039.240

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums

brewers, brewing, Claythorn House, coats of arms, goldsmiths, mansions, parks, silversmiths

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