An early 20th century advertisement for bathroom fittings.
William Stevenson & Co supplied everything necessary for a thoroughly modern bathroom - baths, shower fittings, toilets, sinks, piping. Luxurious bathrooms such as this one were only possible due to two Victorian innovations. The first of these was the clean water supply piped into Glasgow from Loch Katrine. The second was the installation of a new and efficient sewer system in the city, which was built in the 1890s and early 1900s.
In spite of these developments only the wealthiest Glaswegian citizens could have afforded a bathroom like this. Many people in the early 20th century could only dream of such a thing!
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Glasgow Museums
advertisements, bathrooms, baths, lavatories, pipes, sanitary appliance manufacturers, sanitation, sinks, toilets, water closets, William Stevenson & Co
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