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Glasgow University Archive Services, GUM

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Advertisement for Alexander Henderson, clothing retailers, in Glasgow University Magazine, March 1946. Clothes rationing remained in force for many years after the end of the Second World War and a woman would have had to present eighteen clothing coupons to be able to purchase the fashionable woollen tweed suit advertised here.

Hendersons had spacious premises on Sauchiehall Street. The firm was acquired by the London company, Selincourt & Sons, and sold to House of Fraser in 1970 for £152,000.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, DC198/1/44

Glasgow University Archive Services

advertisements, Alexander Henderson, clothes rationing, coupons, drapers, Glasgow University Magazine, GUM, Hendersons, House of Fraser, outfitters, post-war austerity, Second World War, Selincourt & Sons, shopping, shops, skirts, suits, tailors, University of Glasgow, winter fashions, women, wool tweed

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