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Glasgow University Archive Services, GUM

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Advertisement for the chemist M F Thompson in Glasgow University Magazine 17 December 1913. Thompson's was a well-known chemist with branches in Gordon Street and in Prince's Street in Edinburgh.

The firm also produced beauty products for women, and this advertisement is for it "Society Skin Food Complexion Wax" (to sustain a pleasing countenance and refine away wrinkles and other traces of work, worry and years!) and "Real Flower" perfume. The exhortation "Give your lady..." suggests that the targeted audience was not women, but that the advertisement aimed to encourage men to purchase Thompson's beauty products for the women in their lives.

Reference: Glasgow University Archive Services, DC198/26

Glasgow University Archive Services

advertisements, beauty products, chemists & druggists, cosmetics, Glasgow University Magazine, GUM, M F Thompson, medicines, perfumes, pharmacists, remedies, University of Glasgow, vanishing creams, women

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