Cardonald College, photographed c 1980.
Cardonald College was the fourth district further education college to be created by Glasgow Corporation Education Department, to serve the south west area of the city. As well as benefiting the local communities, it was intended to meet the training needs of Hillington Industrial Estate and the Govan shipbuilding industry. Designed in the 1960s, the eleven-storey building opened in 1971.
Originally there were nine departments, offering a wide range of subjects and qualifications including Scottish Certificate of Education Highers and "O" grades. The college subsequently adapted to meet challenges posed by the decline of local industries, the raising of the school leaving age, the increasing emphasis on audio visual materials and computer technology and the introduction of new courses by bodies such as SCOTVEC.
Strathclyde Region became the administering authority in 1975. In 1993 the funding of further education colleges passed from local authorities to central government and the responsibility for Cardonald College devolved to a Board of Management.
Reference: Illustrations, vol 39, p 3
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Cardonald College, colleges, Education Department, further education, Glasgow Corporation, Hillington Industrial Estate, SCE, Scottish Certificate of Education, SCOTVEC, Strathclyde Region
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