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Donald Matheson

Mitchell Library, The Bailie

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Donald Matheson

Donald A Matheson (1860-1935), Engineer-in-Chief and General Manager of the Caledonian Railway Co and (from 1922-1926) the London, Midland & Scottish Railway Co's Deputy General Manager in Scotland.

Born in Perthshire, Matheson worked as an engineer for several railway contractors before overseeing the construction of the 5 miles of the Glasgow Central Railway built below the city for the Caledonian Railway Co. In 1899 he was appointed the Caledonian's Engineer-in-Chief, his first major task being to supervise the enlargement of Central Station. The station was more than doubled in size. Matheson designed the much-admired station concourse as well as the new bridge which carried the railway across the Clyde.

As General Manager (1910-1922), Matheson was regularly involved in often contentious negotiations over wages and conditions of service. He was also active in public life, as a member of the boards of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the Glasgow Eye Infirmary and the Broomhill Home for Incurables; as a Justice of the Peace and as a director of the Chamber of Commerce.

Matheson designed many notable buildings for the Caledonian, including the Gleneagles Hotel and the station at Wemyss Bay, the latter a destination for generations of Glaswegians on their way to Rothesay.

Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 052 BAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

bridges, Caledonian Railway Co, engineers, Glasgow Central Railway, Glasgow Central Station, Gleneagles Hotel, London, Midland & Scottish Railway Co, managers, railway stations, railways

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