An advertisement for Alexander Stephen & Sons in the Commercial year book of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce & Manufactures in 1915, featuring TSS Aronda. The advertisement also proclaims the firm to be "On the Admiralty list." During the First World War Stephen's built torpedo boats and destroyers for the Royal Navy, as well as undertaking ship repairs.
Built for the British India Steam Navigation Co, TSS Aronda, 4,062 tons, was launched in 1912. She could carry 1,350 passengers and sailed on routes to India and beyond until 1932, when she was scrapped in Bombay.
Alexander Stephen & Sons had a long-standing association with the British India Steam Navigation Co. Founded by Sir William Mackinnon, the "BI", as it became known, grew to be one of the largest merchant fleets in the world, with ships officered largely by Scots. It grew with the British Empire, winning state subsidies and patronage for carrying mail and troops. In 1914 the company was acquired by P&O, but the British India name and colours continued to be used on their ships.
Reference: Mitchell Library, G 381
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
Alexander Stephen & Sons, Aronda, BI, British India Steam Navigation Co, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, liners, Linthouse Shipyard, P & O, Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co, ship repairing, shipbuilding, shipping lines, ships, steamships
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