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City Station Opening

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Bulletin Photographs

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City Station Opening

Housing Development Convener David Brown and TV personality Kirsty Young, pictured for the November 1994 issue of Glasgow City Council's newspaper The Bulletin at the opening of City Station.

Located in Saltmarket, City Station is an advice and help centre for homeless youths aged 16-25. The project's twelve staff members were originally part of the Glasgow Works programme, which offered jobs to unemployed persons. Advice is provided on issues such as accommodation, health, welfare, benefits, the law, and training.

Born in Stirling, Kirsty Young came to Glasgow in 1989 as a BBC Radio Scotland newsreader. She moved to Scottish Television as presenter of Scotland Today, then came to national prominence as presenter of the new Channel 5 TV news (1997), which adopted a novel informal format. She won the Newscaster of the Year award in 1998.

Reference: Mitchell Library, Bulletin Photographs, November 1994

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

Bulletin, Channel Five, City Station, councillors, Glasgow Works, news, Newscaster of the Year, newsreaders, presenters, Scotland Today, Scottish Television, unemployed

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