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Rockvilla Primary School

Glasgow City Archives, Department of Education

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Rockvilla Primary School

Rockvilla School on Dawson Road in Hamiltonhill, 1970s. This school, which towered above Possil Road (foreground), was designed by John Honeyman and built between 1874 and 1877.

In 1880 Rockvilla had four male teachers and one female teacher, assisted by four male and four female pupil teachers There were 658 children on the school register but the average attendance was only 507.

Hamiltonhill existed only as a farm until 1925, when a series of new streets were laid out to the north in an area previously known as Rockvilla. The new houses built there were intended to accommodate people who had lived in areas such as Calton where slum clearance programmes had been implemented.

Reference: D-ED 5/29/7/137

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

farms, housing estates, housing schemes, primary schools, pupil teachers, Rockvilla Primary School, Rockvilla Public School, slum clearance

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