Advertisements from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1853-1854 for the West of Scotland Panorama at the Hall of Nations in Jamaica Street, and the furniture manufacturer George Austin.
Panorama theatres became popular in European cities during the early 19th century. They exhibited large panoramic views depicting historic events and exotic locations, allowing customers to see images of great occasions and far-away places long before it became common to reproduce photographs in newspapers and magazines.
George Austin's products included a wide variety of games tables, including those for backgammon, bagatelle and something called the Racing Game. Like many Glasgow manufacturers he was eager to develop an export trade.
Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1853-54
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
advertisements, cabinetmakers, desks, directories, exports, furniture, furniture manufacturers, games tables, George Austin, Hall of Nations, panorama theatres, panoramas, Post Office Glasgow directory, theatres, West of Scotland Panorama
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