Advertisements from the Post Office Glasgow directory of 1853-1854 for the Irish firm Corry & Co's soda water, lemonade and ginger ale, John Glass's Glasgow Aerated Water Manufactory in Clyde Street (now Clyde Ferry Street) and the hairdresser and wig maker Alexander Corbet.
John Glass was one of Glasgow's first specialist aerated waters manufacturers, exploiting the growing demand for "temperance" beverages with mainstream favourites such as soda water, ginger beer and lemonade, and catering for more exotic tastes with drinks such as nectarine and magnesia waters.
Reference: Mitchell Library, DIR 1853-54
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
advertisements, aerated water manufacturers, Corry & Co, directories, ginger beer, Glasgow Aerated Water Manufactory, hairdressers, Post Office Glasgow directory, soft drinks, wig makers
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