Added TheGlasgowStory: Govan, 1848


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Glass panel by George Walton
Glass panel by George Walton

Govan, 1848

Mitchell Library, Thomas Fairbairn

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Govan, 1848

Thomas Fairbairn's view of thatched cottages around "Kittle Corner" on Harmony Row in Govan, from the south-east, 1848. According to local historian T C F Brotchie, the weavers who lived here were famous for the crops of gooseberries they grew in their gardens. At weekends, people would walk from as far away as Glasgow for a taste of Govan "grozets".

The spire in the background is that of Govan Old Parish Church, which had been rebuilt in 1826.

Reference: Mitchell Library GC 914.14353 FAI

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

cattle, church spires, churches, gardens, gooseberries, Govan Old Parish Church, grozets, market gardening, thatched cottages, weavers, women

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