The most useful and simple of the names given to this image by various antiquarians is "View of Glasgow from the Windmill". It is by an unknown member of the Foulis Academy and depicts the scene around 1760 with the Old Windmill (built by Sir George Elphinstone c 1581) on the right.
Among the obstacles facing vessels navigating the Clyde were the sandbanks which built up at the edge of the river after flooding. One of these can be seen in the foreground. Behind the ships sailing up the river is the smoking cone of the Jamaica Street Glassworks. Glasgow Bridge and the Merchants' Steeple are in the distance.
Reference: Mitchell Library, FA 22/1
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
boats, bridges, cityscapes, flooding, Forth and Clyde Canal, Foulis Academy, Foulis Collection, Glasgow Bridge, hirsts, Jamaica Street Glassworks, Old Windmill, River Clyde, sailing boats, sailing ships, windmills
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