The building on the left of this engraving depicting Rottenrow c 1570 is the Prebendal Manse of the Parson of Moffat. This building may have been one of the lodgings for students attending the University of Glasgow. In later years the building was owned by George Crawford, a historian of Renfrewshire. By 1825 it was occupied by the Glasgow Gas-Light Company, and used as quarters for its workmen.
The building next to the Prebendal Manse belonged to the Stewarts of Minto at the time this image was created, and must have been of some consequence in its heyday.
A Great Cross is depicted on the right of this image, at the head of High Street at its junction with Drygate and Rottenrow. Some historians believe that a cross stood at this location until 1575.
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 941.435 GOR
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning
coats of arms, engravings, Glasgow Gas-Light Company, Great Cross, houses, market crosses, markets, Parsons of Moffat, Prebendal Manses, student accommodation, University of Glasgow
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