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Winston Churchill

Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, Baillieston Illustrations

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Winston Churchill

Prime Minister Winston Churchill, accompanied by Lord Provost Patrick Dollan, inspecting female ARP (Air Raid Precautions) staff in Glasgow during the Second World War. Many women volunteered for service as ARP wardens, despite often having to provide their own clothing. They carried out the same range of duties as men.

Churchill visited Glasgow on a number of occasions during the war. One of his most significant visits was to meet with US President Roosevelt's special envoy Harry Hopkins at the North British Hotel in George Square in January 1941. Britain was fighting alone against Germany and Hopkins had been sent to assess the determination of the British people to continue the fight, and the likely effectiveness of American help. In an emotional after-dinner speech, Hopkins promised that he would do all in his power to ensure the support of the United States in the struggle against Hitler.

Reference: Mitchell Library, Glasgow Collection, BA vol.3, p.15b

Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Learning

air raid precautions, ARP wardens, civil defence, lord provosts, North British Hotel, prime ministers, visitors, volunteers, women workers

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