A rice mill building and hopper manufactured in Scotstoun by the Clyde Structural Iron Co and erected in Rangoon in Burma, from a booklet illustrating the firm's products c 1910. The booklet includes a testimonial received from Rangoon in 1905: "...the whole work fitted into each other so well and the parts were so interchangeable that we had no difficulty whatsoever in putting up the iron-work with ordinary native labour - a fact that speaks for itself for the excellence of the turn-out by the Clyde Structural Coy."
Reference: Mitchell Library, GC 624.10941443 CLY
Reproduced with the permission of Glasgow City Council, Libraries Information and Archives
Burmese, Clyde Structural Iron Co, Clyde Structural Steel Co, Clydeside Ironworks, engineers, hoppers, iron, Myanmarese, rice mills, steel, structural engineering, testimonials
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