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High Street, 1955
High Street, 1955

Fashions and... Quadrilles
Fashions and... Quadrilles

Paul Maloney

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Paul Maloney has worked as an opera director with Scottish Opera, Opera North and The Royal Opera. He is currently Publications Editor for Scottish Opera. He gained an MPhil by research from the University of Strathclyde and is the author of Scotland and the music hall, 1850-1914 (Manchester University Press, 2003).

Paul Maloney has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

1830s to 1914 - Personalities: Marie Loftus
Marie Loftus (1857-1940) was one of the great female stars of the British music hall. She was born ...
1914 to 1950s - Personalities: Tommy Lorne
Tommy Lorne (1890-1935) was probably the most naturally gifted Scottish comedian of the interwar yea...

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