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 Caledonia Road UP Church
Caledonia Road UP Church

Scottish Musical Review 1896
Scottish Musical Review 1896

Adrienne Scullion

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Adrienne Scullion has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

1770s to 1830s - Buildings and Cityscape: Entertainment Buildings
Although now much altered, the Dumfries Theatre Royal, built in 1792, is the oldest standing theatre...
1830s to 1914 - Culture and Leisure: Theatre
Throughout the 19th century the major cities of Scotland were an important part of the economic and ...
1830s to 1914 - Buildings and Cityscape: Entertainment Buildings
As the urban populations of Scotland exploded through the 19th century, so there followed a parallel...
1914 to 1950s - Culture and Leisure: Radio and Television
After some experimental efforts, broadcasting began in earnest in Scotland on 6 March 1923 when the ...
1950s to The Present Day - Culture and Leisure: Radio and Television
Broadcasting in Scotland is dominated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) – which makes ...

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