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Bart McGettrick

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Bart McGettrick is currently Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow. He has been a geography teacher, curriculum evaluator for the Scottish Centre for Social Subjects and a senior member of staff in teacher educations since 1975, becoming Principal of St Andrew's College from 1985 – 1999 and Dean of Faculty of Education at University of Glasgow from 1999 – 2001. He is developing a centre for Inter-Professional Leadership.

Bart McGettrick has written the following TheGlasgowStory essays:

Early times to 1560 - Learning and Beliefs: Schools
Glasgow has a long tradition in education. The possibility is that there was some form of education ...
1560 to 1770s - Learning and Beliefs: Schools
The growth of schools in Glasgow made it a city of note in Europe. By the late 16th century there w...
1914 to 1950s - Buildings and Cityscape: Education Buildings
Education buildings have always played a prominent part in the architectural heritage of the city of...
1950s to The Present Day - Buildings and Cityscape: Education Buildings
The education buildings constructed after the Second World War were very different in character from...

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